Thursday, January 3, 2013

1.2.13 Sensor Tower quick tips

1.3.12 Sensor Tower quick tips

Hey guys I've decided to do a main page Q&A and strategy quick tips. Here I'll share some of my knowledge that brought me from Silver to Masters (had Warcraft 3 Experience so I managed to escape Bronze when I first bought the game). 

Feel free to ask any questions, but heres Quick Tip #1

In TvT, sensor Towers can be used both offensively, or defensively while playing Mech. Defensively is this, you want an extra expand, but then you won't have enough Vikings for air superiority, this means that you will die to a tank push right? 


Build a sensor tower somewhere between your third and natural, and obviously well out of range of tanks. The goal here is tosave scans and track the (!) in the Fog of War. Get good at identifying how much space marines will pack (!)(!) and tanks will be (!)  (!)  (!), essentially, marines and tanks move at the same speed, Vikings will have acceleration, so you can identify which units are tanks about 80% of the time, And if you keep all your tanks highlighted, you can see the range indicator. That means the moment a ground unit walks into Tank range


BOOM you hit him right when he's sieging up. So even if you are right only 80% of the time, you will kill tanks 80% of the time, and he will lose tanks 80% of the time, plus defenders advantage.  


to build Thors eventually, your opponent will get smart and use banshees to pick off tanks with air support, but Thors ignore Vikings, and having 2 or 3 should be more than enough to pick off those pesky banshees.