Updated for HOTS!


Please read if you are unsure of its viability

  • But X Y Z unit composition totally steam rolls Mech! The abilities those units have is just too good!  
    • Every protoss unit composition can have a counter. The goal is to maintain perfect map control to know when certain timings hit. You must be able to modify your builds to be able to stop that timing. I know that 10 minute blink stalkers will be autolose unless I can scout it at the 8 minute mark, same with a 6 gate attack. Many of these instances will sometimes be dumb luck on the Protoss' part too. The less you reveal early on, the better. Also try and focus on getting every single observer snipe you can. Watch replays and figure out common paths, also an early Raven. 
    • Don't get discouraged if you have a hard time predicting the Protoss' next move, its one of the most important skills to have playing mech. 
  • Mech won't work late game
    • Mech is easy to maneuver around unless you have high apm and have a lot of experience sieging and unsieging tanks. So only go for the doom push if Protoss had a major fail engagement, otherwise, as Artosis would say: "Just get more ahead.".
    • Your goal is to move your giant mech ball with ghosts and watch it demolish Protoss armies with a fraction of your army lost, and having double planetaries defending your expansions. That way, the Protoss doesn't really have much of a choice since you can kill expansions sooner than they can kill all yours. 
  • Mech is too weak against harass, thats why its not used in Pro level games. 
    • You don't have to be pro to have a 70% winrate against Protoss in Masters. A lot of Mech builds can be meta-gamed, which is why it is uncommon to utilize in a Bo3 or Bo5. In ladder, many people have poor experience with mech because of its infrequency that you can use this as a tool to conquer the ladder and get better Mech practice for TvZ and TvT as well.