Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The who's Who in Mech, learn from the best!


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Called the Game Genie terran for his polished and innovative build orders. He uses his mastery of game knowledge to meta-game and outwit his opponent. Recently he used Mech timing attack builds to great effect at IEM vs Zerg. His build has a heavy emphasis on factory units, fast third, double upgrades and a medium-high banshee count, which now greatly benefits from shared upgrades. 

His builds may look rigid, but he makes subtle adjustments to his composition while constantly scouting his opponents. This ability obviously came from his immense game knowledge. Even the slightest change i.e. (+2 tank, -1 Thor -1 hellbat) can be the difference between a flawless victory, and "just another game where Mech got out maneuvered", like our woeful Flash experienced first hand.

Known for his positive and friendly attitude and his patient yet judicious playstyle, he definitely personifies much about the Mech playstyle itself. I get reminded of the "Wise old Kungfu Master" who never does anything amazing, but ends up constricting his opponents in the final 5 minutes in a swift Coup de' Grace much to everyone's surprise. His playstyle emphasizes a large Orbital count, and a large final end army supply. He is also known to be able to punish greedy play: He shows many builds that denies the zerg's 3rd base with just barely enough Tanks, Marines, Hellions and Banshees to do it. He has been known to take down top Korean players on occasion, and is in High GM on the EU server. His APM averages around 140. 

This guy is a popular streamer on NA ladder. His style is
semi unique. He gets the same composition as Goody, but his relatively high APM (around 220) allows him to do a lot more neat things in each matchups to cut corners and sneak an extra Macro Orbital each game. His game plan is to get as many bases and OC farms with the least amount of units while identifying which Unit composition his opponent is going for, and then with the help of his Raven flock, he gets the ideal composition to counter his opponents. Although he is trademarked as a passive Turtle, his use of Banshees, Hellions, and Bio (when he's not Meching) is mechanically sound when he chooses to use them.