Thursday, January 3, 2013

1.3.13 How to scout Protoss All ins

Here's my method:

Step 1:
Categorize scouting benchmarks with list of possible all ins. Ex: 1 Gas at 3:45 possible all ins = 4G, 1 Base 6G, Korean 4G. Obviously all of these are out dated but this is an example.

Here's my list:

2 gas at 3:45: 
3rd Pylon Missing  and 2 late-ish Gateways
  • Proxy Voids
  • Proxy Robo Immortal bust
  • Proxy Darkshrine

2 gas at 3:45 pylons spaced apart, scan at 5:10, no nexus building, low gateway count, pylons all over the place
  • Blink Stalker from 3 or 4 gates

1 gas at 3:45
3rd Pylon missing and 3-4 Gateways
  • Warp Prism 3G/4G

5:10 Nexus building, proxy pylon found
  • 4G aggression
  • 3G aggression

7-8 minute Scan no robo, Hellions spot many sentries at front
  • 6/7 Gate

7-8 minute Scan no robo, low sentry count, cannons possible, 1G expansion from 2 gas.
  • Fast DT after 1 gate Expand

Step 2: Have your build safe against every single one of these all ins. This is the part where you get to be creative. Don't be afraid to turtle up a little, build more bunkers than neccesary, or maybe even get a second Rax before you transition into full blown mech. Remember, you want to survive to late game, because then you will have much better chances to win.

As you can see, each benchmark means I can cross off certain all ins off the list, I have to use this list, and alter my build. Ex: If I suspect 1 base play from 2 gas, I don't really build hellions that much, and more often than not I'll have to lift off back into my base and play bio from there. Only play mech after a 1 rax FE if you are sure he is playing standard. (or non-aggressive after a 1 gate expand: like double forge, 3 gates then robo, 1 gate then robo then 2 gates, 2 base blink, 2 base charge, 2 base high templar etc.)