[WoL] Replays

----NEW REPLAYS!! (Gas first into Double expand)----

Replays with MECH TRANSITIONS (double expand)

Vs 1g FE on Cloud kingdom. He does the fast 2 base blink build that's supposedly stomps mech players. I hold it off with a combination of frantic micro and him getting apprehensive because he can't lose the observer, so he thinks I have more defenses in my natural than whats actually there.

This replay really shows the power of doing a double expand from a gas first opening. Even though I lose so many SCVS, I actually float over 1000 minerals during the bulk of the harass! And again, to any people who say mech is too harassable, just watch as I stabilize. He keeps trying to harass me, and I send my hellions right into his bases. I repeat this cycle and eventually weasel my way back into the game. He does a miscalculation (very common for people who don't face mech very often) and loses his entire army with me having 4 tanks left and some hellions. I deny his fourth, kill some more probes, then I'm able to finish the game. Insane game where both of us are at 200 APM for the whole game.


Vs 1g FE on Daybreak. He does the standard 3g into robo followup from an expand. I harass him with hellions and banshees. Also note that he kept a lot of his probes inside his main until he had enough stalkers. But I still do quite a bit of economic damage with this build, and I am able to get away with a double expand BECAUSE I saw how defensive he was getting. He was even keeping multiple obs with his units even though I didn't have cloak. I still trust my gut and don't reveal my expansion until I have a large enough army size + siege mode. He tries to feign an attack, but I simply run my hellions in from the third when my watchtower hellion sees his army moving out. That move solidified my win, I hold off various attacks and end the game with tank mode a-move lol.



For indepth guide on this strategy, please check out:






Good game where I manage to do nothing fancy besides solid play, didn’t get any massive probe kills just sharked around with helions and outmacroed my opponents. I immediately build a barracks wall around my 3 bases (antiga) after I suicide my helions (had excess mins). They were pretty effective when he went in for the attack. I win when he gets antsy and tries to kill my ninja expo (not really ninja, more like …trap expo) with a big army.


Interesting game on daybreak, again solid macro game where I don’t really get any free probe kills, but still outmacro my opponent because of my map control and proactive expansion checking. Poor defense allows a lot of helions to run around and severly damage his macro, he goes for an all out attack where I barely hold.


Awesome game on Ohana, Very close engagements, had he had more intel and kept on pushing I probably would’ve lost. However, I botched up my Raven micro in the first place that led to me losing way more than I should. Shows some special tactics (observer snipe with 2 vikings then let 3 banshees go to town on immortals). Also Engi Bay placements on side expansions save my stuff. Also, I win this game when he decides to take the bait, my PF expansion right underneath my main, I cut off retreat path and he fights a rigged engagement.




